What the Hell is Going On With Jack O’Malley’s Website

Sunday , 16, August 2020 1 Comment

Remember a while back when we visited Jack O’Malley’s website and among the poor grammar, stock images, and not much of anything else, we found this?

Well, there’s more!

Just reading a few lines makes it plain whoever developed this website English is not their first language. Nothing wrong with that, but it helps if you can hire someone who at least knows English well enough to use proper syntax on your American campaign website.

It gets better.

The About tab on the menu takes you to a very brief history of what Jack’s been doing with his life before he represented Michigan’s 101st State House District. Give the first paragraph a close read and something should pop out right away, unless you can read Russian.

Under the first section, PROFESSIONAL, do you see something there that doesn’t look right? Notice the words, работа в москве between TV and Jack. The funny-looking moon language is Russian. In English, it reads “jobs in Moscow.” On Jack’s website that phrase is actually a hidden hyperlink that redirects you to a Russian website. Don’t click it.

Further down in the same paragraph, another shortened web link goes to another job website that is not in English. Don’t click that one either.

It’s strange because Jack has plenty of rich donors including the DeVos crime family bankrolling him, so why does he need to go cheap on his website? www.votejackomalley.com has the look and feel of an ESL content mill freelancer recycling a stylesheet and didn’t do a very good job cleaning it up. Honestly, the hidden links scream black hat SEO.

With the bizarre hidden links going to foreign websites and “2020 best male enhancement pills” in the News drop-down menu, Jack’s campaign website should be avoided.

One thought on “ : What the Hell is Going On With Jack O’Malley’s Website”
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  • Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.