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Remember a while back when we visited Jack O’Malley’s website and among the poor grammar, stock images, and not much of anything else, we found this? Well, there’s more! Just reading a few lines makes it plain whoever developed this website English is not their first language. Nothing wrong with that, but it helps if […]

Yesterday, June 2, 2020, The Glen Arbor Sun published an article exposing more information about the April 15, 2020, political stunt 101st State House Rep Jack O’Malley orchestrated to coordinate with Betsy DeVos’s astroturfed “Operation Gridlock” Trump rally at the state capital in Lansing. The day before, four Michigan Sheriffs signed a press release stating […]

The 101st State House District is made up of the four counties of Benzie, Leelanau, Manistee, and Mason Counties. The next person to represent the people of this district is Kathy Wiejaczka of Empire. She lives with her husband, Kent, with whom she raised three children. Kathy Wiejaczka is a retired RN with a career […]

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