HAUNTINGLY ACCURATE: For-Profit Charter School Insider Cites Up North Progressive in Poison Pen Letter

Wednesday , 31, March 2021 1 Comment

Up North Progressive has been quiet lately due to working on a special project while occasionally coming up for air to tweetstorm anything with the hashtag #DefundBergman.

Yesterday, Miss Fortune over at Glistening Quivering Underbelly shared a letter she received anonymously. The writer is a member of MAPSA and knows all of the inside dirt about for-profit charter schools, especially CS Partners and Chuck Stockwell.

Along with the long list of nasty things Chuck Stockwell’s charter schools have done over the years it’s interesting to see that MAPSA is aware of Up North Progressive enough to regard them as “hauntingly accurate” even if the blog is left-wing (it totally is 🙂 ).

The most refreshing thing of all is even the people who work to promote for-profit charter schools know what they’re doing is wrong and charter schools are rubbish. Maybe a few people on the cc list a the end of the letter will take notice.

One thought on “ : HAUNTINGLY ACCURATE: For-Profit Charter School Insider Cites Up North Progressive in Poison Pen Letter”
  • Ed Haynor says:

    No punishment is adequate for these fraudsters.

  • Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.