Baraga County Republicans Display Profanity at a Public Family Event With Sponsors

Wednesday , 12, June 2019 1 Comment

Remember when the MAGA chuds got their undies all in a bunch over Governor Whitmer’s 2018 campaign slogan, “fix the damn roads” because she used a swear word? The same people who scolded her for that recently flew this banner in public in L’Anse, Michigan.

Baraga County Republican Party members attended Lake Trout Festival in L’Anse today. The response was tremendous! Dozens of new activists were signed up.

Baraga County is excited to re-elect President Donald J. Trump and the entire conservative ticket. #KeepAmericaGreat

When people join the Republican Party they’re not members, they’re “activists.” Interesting.

This banner was part of a booth at a public event with sponsors and activities for children because this festival is a family event.

Only old white men are allowed to swear in politics. At least their banner didn’t display this catchy slogan.

Yeah, that’s real.

One thought on “ : Baraga County Republicans Display Profanity at a Public Family Event With Sponsors”
  • In our community, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, we have a bunch of racist white settlers that live around us. Get off our lands and see how well you fit back in Europe if you are so proud of your white heritage. Most Europeans are progressive and wouldn’t stand for your gluttonous selves and obnoxious racism. Baraga County rethuglicans probably say racist shit to our Anishinaabe people.

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  • Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.