Two Michigan Republicans Made Headlines This Week: Guess Which One the @GOP’s Mad At

Saturday , 18, May 2019 Leave a comment

This has been a banner week for Republicans demonstrating just how ethically bankrupt they are. On May 15, 2019, State House District 104 Rep Larry Inman did a little oopsie when he deliberately texted leadership of the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and other unions demanding donations for his no vote on a bill to strip prevailing wage laws in the state. A federal grand jury indicted him for bribery, fraud, and lying to the FBI. Inman, of course, says the texts to the union leaders were completely taken out of context and he has no intention of resigning his office. This is Inman’s last term as a state rep, but you know he’s thinking about 2020.

State Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield (R – Loaded, unregistered firearms are a-okay at the airport in Emmet County) said Inman needs to go and others insist if Inman doesn’t resign on his own, then Chatfield needs to expel him from the State House. Inman embarrassed the Michigan GOP, but since Republicans have no shame when it comes to beating the working people of this state into the ground with low wages, no voice at the ballot box, no health care, and treating women like chattel, we will just have to wait and see what happens next.

But come the weekend and a challenger appeared to cause Republicans even more problems. Justin Amash (R – Pretends to be a rebel but still tows the GOP line 99% of the time) of Michigan’s 3rd US Congressional District made a public statement on Saturday that Donald Trump is a horrible person doing horrible things and they’re all worth being impeached. The Democratic Leadership in Washington can’t even commit to doing what they should have started doing as soon as Nancy Pelosi had her hands on the gavel again, and here’s this Republican of all people saying it’s time to kick Donald and the rest of Trump Crime Family out of the White House.

Amash didn’t tweet any great revelation. Republicans know this is the truth even without reading the Mueller report which they haven’t. Republicans, in order to maintain control of government by any means necessary, know Trump is a criminal and trash and a moron and they don’t care. Republicans are perfectly happy with a White House administration with no understanding of the Constitution, the Rule of Law, or even a sense of human decency.

Both Dum Dum and Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel tweeted their disappointment a member of the Republican Party grew a spine and tweeted the truth. As for Amash, GOP gerrymandering of Michigan’s congressional districts make Amash ironclad safe – at least until the districts are redrawn so all Michigan votes matter again.

Two Michigan Republicans. One doing typical Republican things which of course means illegal things but in this current, nothing matters timeline we live in no one will likely do a damn thing about it until the feds cart Larry Inman off to prison. The other doing the right thing and the entire GOP is more than willing to hang Justin Amash as an example for the rest of degenerate trash that makes up the GOP what will happen to them if they fall out of line.

The Republican Party is the party of no values, no ethics, and no honor and they are perfectly fine with that. The question is, are you?

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