Rob Alway Editorializes Whitmer’s Visit to Northern Michigan with a Headline only Hearst and Pulitzer Could Love

Saturday , 13, April 2019 Leave a comment

The way Editor-In-Chief of the Mason County Press Rob Alway tells it, you would think Governor Gretchen Whitmer was skulking in the shadows around the state on April 12, 2019, secretly meeting with supporters as if she has something to hide.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer was in Ludington today. Did you know that? Probably not. In fact, not many people knew it because she has been operating in stealth mode when she travels to visit us rural folk on the western side of the state.

First, it wasn’t a secret that she was in the area at all. The Governor attended the annual Governor’s Breakfast in Cadillac on Friday morning. Gretchen Whitmer was in Traverse City the day before speaking at Traverse City Central High School. There’s even news coverage for both public events. Emphasis on public.

But Rob Alway doesn’t mention either of those events in his scathing editorial of the Governor’s clandestine movement around the state. Only this private meeting with a small group of local people in Ludington, which Alway attempts to gin up as some sort of nefarious conclave with the heads of the five families.

So what did Whitmer talk about at this private gathering? The same issues she’s talked about at the public events. Infrastructure in Michigan for far too long has been ignored by Republicans in control in Lansing and now we’ve reached a critical point where something must be done about it. All of the talk of Michigan being a comeback state by Snyder in 2011 was just that, talk. We’ve known before Snyder took office in 2011 that one of the big drawbacks for businesses setting up shop in Michigan is the deplorable condition of the roads. The Republicans did absolutely nothing about the roads while raising taxes and fees on the people of the state. Sure, they told us these fee hikes were for the roads, but then in standard Republican fashion, they moved the money to where they wanted to spend it. As you can see today, none of it was spent on repairing our infrastructure

Rob Alway’s Mason County Press has been the platform to drag the Mayor of Scottville through the mud over a personal feud and outing a trans individual by revealing enough personal information about them, then suggesting the person was trans because they were sexually abused.

Rob Alway is doing more with his “editorial” than just attempting to provoke people into anger that the Governor was in Ludington for a private meeting with locals. Speaking publicly at events spread out over days wasn’t enough. He’s outright lying to the people of Mason County with his whole cloth approach to criticizing the Democratic Governor about her speaking engagements.

Besides, how did Rob Alway know the Governor was in town if it was a big secret?

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