Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Will Issue Food Assistance Benefits Early Due to Trump Shutdown

Monday , 14, January 2019 Leave a comment

Residents of Michigan who rely on food assistance benefits for nutrition will receive their February benefits early. The release date is January 19, 2019. Anyone not receiving benefits on that day will receive their February benefits on the following week.

The USDA authorized states to issue food assistance early due to the Trump government shut down now in its 24th day with no end in sight. Due to the early release, there will be no food assistance benefits issued in February and all recipients will need to carefully budget their food benefits so they can meet their family’s nutrition needs through the month of February. MDHHS Deputy Director of Field Operations Terrence Beurer said:

MDHHS is pleased that the department is able to work with its federal partners to make sure Michigan families have food on the table in February.

Monthly benefits are usually issued over a 21 day period. January benefits will continue to follow that schedule. For now, WIC benefits will be issued in February using the established schedule. If there are any changes due to the Trump shutdown, MDHHS will inform WIC recipients.

The early release comes as more people are impacted by Trump’s partial shutdown of the federal government. Government employees most affected by the shut down are working without pay and there is no end in sight. Trump has referred to government employees as being on strike and also stated he sees no reason to end the shut down until he gets what he wants, which is $5.7 billion to pay for a metal fence on the border with Mexico. The majority of Americans do not favor Trump’s demands and want the government shut down to end.

With food assistance, other federal programs face an interruption in the future if the shutdown continues. IRS employees are also not being paid and until they return to work there will be no federal income tax returns processed or refunds issued. Local communities are working to help federal government employees impacted by the lack of income and also ensure that people who need assistance have access to it. For more information on the early release of food assistance benefits, go to the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website

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