Are You Ready to Vote Tomorrow?

Monday , 5, November 2018 Leave a comment

Election Day is almost here! Only one more day until we can vote for progressive candidates and change things for the better in Northern Michigan and the United States. There are lots of polls out there right now and Up North Progressive is going to ask you to please IGNORE ALL OF THEM. Polls are really good at convincing people they don’t need to get out and vote. Everybody needs to vote tomorrow.

If you’re not sure if you can vote or where you need to vote there are resources to help you. For Michigan voters, there’s the Secretary of State’s Voter Information Center where all of your voter questions can be answered and you can see what your ballot will look like when you go to the polls. Samantha Bee made these wonderful videos that also have voter information available with voting tips on election day. If you’re reading this and you don’t live in Michigan, Sam’s Soothing Voter Guides has resources and voting tips to help you out.



Some other things to remember for tomorrow:


  • You don’t need a driver’s license to vote. Any picture ID such as a student ID, military ID, passports are all valid ID’s. If the poll workers hassle you, call 866-OUR-VOTE and report the issue.
  • If for some reason you are not on the rolls, demand a provisional ballot. If you know you are registered you must be allowed to vote. After you vote, call 866-OUR-VOTE and report the issue.
  • Pay close attention to instructions on Michigan’s new voting machines. They were first used during Michigan’s primary in August and there were problems. Check your paper receipt to ensure your selections are tabulated correctly before leaving. If there are any irregularities call 866-OUR-VOTE and report the issue.
  • STAY IN LINE. If people are still waiting and the 8:00 PM closing time arrives, polling places are required to stay open until everyone has voted. If there are problems, call 866-OUR-VOTE and report the issue.
  • The weather forecast for Michigan tomorrow is rain showers and gusty winds. Dress for the weather just in case you have to stand outside.
  • Some county Democratic Parties and other organizations are offering free transportation to the polls tomorrow. Call your local Democratic Party office to see if this service is offered in your area. If you can give a friend a ride to the polls, please do!


This election is so important for Michigan. We have an opportunity to put progressive candidates into office who are interested in listening to the people of Michigan and working with us instead of against us.

Don’t forget the non-partisan portion of the ballot. and vote YES on all three ballot proposals. Proposal 2 will make our voting districts fair for all voters. Proposal 3 will make it much easier to register and vote in future elections.

Happy Election Day!

Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.