The Internet Pushes Dog Whistle Racism Mainstream and the @GOP and @MIGOP Embrace It

Sunday , 28, October 2018 Leave a comment

Not even 24 hours after the MAGAbomber was captured in Plantation, Florida, an antisemite in Pittsburgh walked into a synagogue and murdered 11 people attending services. He even telegraphed this on right-wing social media:

Gab is the MAGA-loving Nazi version of Twitter. The social media platform appeared the beginning of 2018 when Trump lovers got mad Twitter purged all of their Russian bot “friends.” The site’s logo is a frog, and they declare the website promotes free speech, which means you can post the most racist, bigoted stuff you want and it’s all good.

Gab is a perfect example of how mainstream racism has become in the United States and just about every other predominantly white European country. The blatant in-your-face bigotry didn’t start with Trump however, it started happening much sooner.

The Tea Party originally started by financial personalities like Rick Santelli angry over President Bush’s 2008 bank bailouts morphed into an openly racist movement against anything President Obama supported. Republicans quickly latched on to it to push their agenda. In 2010 and 2014 they were rewarded by gaining the majority in both houses of Congress and sweeping many Republican governors into state government. It was during this time names like George Soros became a mainstream dog whistle for every global Jewish conspiracy to control whatever it is white supremacists believe the global Jewish conspiracy controls. Racism fueled by hatred of President Obama and the fear that every Muslim on the planet is a bomb-wielding terrorist post 9/11 pushed growing hatred for everything that is not white, Christian and dominated by CIS males.

People are still trying to figure out what happened with the 2016 election, but that doesn’t change the fact that a racist sundowning narcissist currently sits in the White House. It also doesn’t change the obvious fact that the tea party has grown into the cult of Trump.

Trump supporters have no problem with violence. All of the people targeted by the MAGAbomber were people Trump enjoys ranting about at every rally he holds. His recent claim he’s a nationalist solidified with racists he’s one of them and everything they stand for. Blaming George Soros and globalists is how conservatives now attack the Democratic Party and the left whenever they make any headway in American politics. That progressive candidate is leading in the polls? George Soros must be paying for their campaign. The progressive candidates’ supporters outnumber the conservative candidates’ at a debate? They’re just people the progressive candidate brought with him to make it appear he’s more popular. Everyone knows these demonstrators are all paid George Soros actors.

And when ballot proposals gain favor in the polls it must be a globalist George Soros-funded plot to infiltrate the government.

Nothing but pure racist dog whistle for “globalist Jews will take over our government if the Democratic Party wins.” Think some fringe group paid for this flier? Check the bottom: Michigan Republican Party.

This rhetoric is fueled by the internet. From Pepe to kekistan to Qanon to red pilling and now the really obtuse NPC nonsense, all of this is where the real proliferation of hate takes place. Banning InfoWars and Alex Jones from the internet hasn’t stopped the spread of racism one bit.

Racists don’t have to hide anymore. Thanks to Trump being openly vocal about his bigotry, conservatives can come out of hiding and show their true character hood-free. Proud Boys in New York can openly beat up people on the street. Patriot Pride in Portland, Oregon, can stockpile weapons on the roof of buildings where they know demonstrations will take place, and the police will forget to mention that in their report for months. Homeless strippers can send pipe bombs through the mail to 12 people Trump loves to complain about at his rallies and a man in Pittsburgh actually critical of Trump not being nationalist enough walks into a synagogue and guns down 11 people on a Saturday morning.

Trump’s first response to the massacre that also left four police officers wounded? Blame the victims by saying if they had guns and armed guards, maybe they wouldn’t be dead now.

It’s time to stop with both sides need to dial it back rhetoric. The idea that people fighting against racism and bigotry is just as bad as the people fighting for racism and bigotry is the worst kind of false equivalencies. Trump is the top of the racism chain that legitimizes and promotes open racism in this country. The best way to put a stop to it is to get out and vote out of office the party of hate and bigotry – the Republican Party. Vote blue on November 6, 2018.

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