Something That’s Been In My Head Since Yesterday #Covfefe

Thursday , 1, June 2017 Leave a comment

Well a candidate who’s racist in his very first speech
Is usually a no way!
And a candidate who mocks the disabled in a speech
Is anything but worthy.
But a candidate caught on tape saying “I tried to fuck her but she’s married” and “grab her by the pussy!”
He’s the candidate the GOP is proud to have found!
Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe!

Trump’s a long shot to win at best.

Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe!

But enough redhats could do it yet.

A president who’s staff is besties with Russians
is usually an OH SHIT!
And a president who paid hookers to piss in a hotel bed
is usually considered grotesque!
But a president who shares secrets with foreigners in the oval office
gets nothing but nods from his staff and kids
He’s exactly the president the GOP deserves to have
Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe!

Lying fake news never watch them
Failing New York Times witch hunt!

Trump wants to deport all the brown skinned people
But the courts are fighting to stop him.
Trump wants to kill off the poor and give tax cuts to the rich
But the Senate knows it’s political poison.
Trump makes a fool of himself with NATO and our allies
But touches an orb with King Suleiman.
October can’t get here soon enough!
Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe!

Lowest ratings of a president yet!

Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe!

Collusion with the Russians? You bet!

Oh what will Trump tweet next tomorrow?

Covfefe! Covfefe! Covfefe!

Spicer’s all out of gum the sorrow!


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