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GOP Chairwoman Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel admitted what we’ve known all along. She lied for four years because that’s what Pants Shitter in Chief Donald Trump wants her to do. ICYMI: Per @TimAlberta, RNC chair Ronna McDaniel privately told “multiple confidants that she doubted there was any scalable voter fraud in Michigan.” But she said she […]

Up North Progressive has been pretty quiet lately. That’s because the Up North Progressive volunteered on the campaign staff of a state house candidate. It was a great learning experience, but there was so much writing to do about one candidate, it made writing about anything else happening up north difficult. The best part of […]

Are You Ready For Some Good News? The Committee to Ban Fracking, the intrepid organization from Charlevoix, Michigan, won their lawsuit in the Michigan Court of Appeals on April 2, 2020. The years-long battle to give the citizens of Michigan the right to decide if they want fracking to continue to Michigan now goes to […]

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