Blog Archives

Not that political party fund raising ever stops (just ask any member of the Democratic Party to show you their email inbox some time), but it’s interesting to see the level of creativity the GOP conjures when asking for funds. Since most Republican-leaning people still get the bulk of their correspondence via a metal box […]

Much like people who go through withdrawal when football season is over and they longingly dream of the next season to begin, presidential primary debates for political junkies are much worse. They only happen during a presidential election, which happens every four years. They were magical, providing some of the craziest stuff witnessed yet coming […]

“I like Charles Murray books…which means I’m a total nerd.” — @JebBush #NRISummit15 — National Review (@NRO) April 30, 2015 Yesterday at the National Review forum former governor of Florida and GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush mentioned his views on poverty were shaped by author Charles Murray. If you’re not sure who he is, he […]

Norm Coleman just told reporters at @RJCHQ spring mtg in Vegas that MI Gov @onetoughnerd said he's running for president. — David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) April 25, 2015

Snyder spokesperson Jarrod Agen told the Associated Press that a group of Snyder’s inner circle created a tax-exempt PAC to raise funds for Snyder to tour the country starting next month after the state votes against raising the sales tax. With that defeat over his head, Snyder will likely want to get out of the […]

Quick, we need a distraction! That’s what The Nerd was likely thinking when he told the media in Washington D.C. on March 25 that he’s much too preoccupied with what’s happening in Michigan at the moment but said, “there’s time to evaluate opportunities.” By opportunities he means consider running for President of the United States. […]

As the Republicans continue their futile quest to manufacture some scandal that makes Hillary Clinton less of a shoe-in for 2016 (not gonna happen), Progress Michigan found that Governor Nerd used private email to discuss state business with former governor of Florida and 2016 GOP hopeful Jeb Bush. So far, the email scandal has about […]

Back in November Pete Lund came up with a really bad idea. Let’s split the electoral votes Michigan has in the presidential election between the winner and runner up. That way, the state becomes even more irrelevant to candidates who need to win the most electoral votes to make it to the 270 finish line […]

Every year the most far right of the conservative fringe flock together to Washington D.C. for a three day orgy of ultra-conservative values conferencing, keynote speakers and breakout sessions. The purpose is to rally the base, motivate youth to join their cause, and anoint the most exalted among them for the 2016 presidential election with […]

In his bid to cut $300 million from the University of Wisconsin’s budget, Scott Walker also attempted to change the mission statement of the university. The mission statement, known as the “Wisconsin Idea” has been a cornerstone of the University since 1904 and defines the entire purpose of receiving an education at UW. The mission […]