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At the same time HB 4147, the bill that requires public schools to allow all and any form of public religious expression to take place anywhere and any time on school property was introduced, another house bill, HB 4140 was sponsored and sent to committee. This bill is just as ridiculous, but for completely different […]

Senator Debbie Stabenow was elected co-chair of the Great Lakes Task Force. She will share leadership with Republican Senator Mark Kirk. The organization works to protect the environmental integrity and is made up of members of Congress who represent states bordering the Great Lakes. Both senators have a distinguished record of working to protect the […]

“There is more than one kind of freedom,” said Aunt Lydia. “Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don’t underrate it.” – Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel written in the 1980s’ but still relevant today. […]