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Back in November of 2014 Up North Progressive published a story about how one state in the US had a significantly high turnout of voters despite it being a midterm election. The reason why they had a successful election while everyone else battled apathy and GOP-fueled disenfranchisement was because every registered voter in that state […]

In a Detroit Free Press interview, Former Attorney General Frank Kelley talks about the state of democracy in Michigan and his fears of voter apathy. He recognizes that the biggest problems are the levels of corporate money being spent on elections intimidating voters into thinking their vote doesn’t matter, and also the anti-government rhetoric of […]

By now, the reality and hangover of last Tuesday’s election has subsided. Despite Democratic party efforts to motivate independent voters, it just didn’t happen. Republicans swept the Senate, and in Michigan, we’re stuck with four more years of the Nerd. Snyder’s already announced he’s raising taxes, as if we didn’t know that would happen before […]

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