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Like a narcissistic moth to a media flame, Michigan State Representative for the 98th District Gary Glenn found this humble blog with a post about how much he craves attention, especially when it pairs his name with someone who is more famous or powerful than he is. If he does it enough, some of that […]

Christine Weick of Jenison has made a career out of traveling all over the country screaming bigotry and hatred at people who have never done a thing to her – Islam, LGBT, energy drinks – all are equally worthy of her kvetching the truth at them whether they want to listen to her diatribe or […]

No one should ever forget that one of the leaders in the profits before kids charter school movement is Hillsdale College. Their brand of for-profit charter schools which they call, “Classical Education”, is a nice way of saying Christian conservative education that bears little relevance to what students actually need to be prepared in a […]

Whether you live up north or down state in Michigan, one of the most interesting aspects of the 2014 election that barely anyone’s talking about is the split in the Republican big tent. And by split I mean yawning Hell’s Canyon-deep chasm (Hell’s Canyon is on the Idaho-Oregon border. I mention Idaho for a reason). […]

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