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Tom Norton of Cedar Springs, Michigan, is a Trump lovin’ liberal hatin’ man’s man with a burning hatred for anyone who deviates the slightest degree left into dirty librul political territory. His US Congressman, Justin Amash (I – LOLbertarian but Woke), Did the unforgivable and declared American Lord and Savior Donald J. Trump ( R […]

This has been a banner week for Republicans demonstrating just how ethically bankrupt they are. On May 15, 2019, State House District 104 Rep Larry Inman did a little oopsie when he deliberately texted leadership of the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and other unions demanding donations for his no vote on a bill to […]

So while everyone was watching Mike Pence break a tie in the Senate and allowing turbo checkbook writer Betsy DeVos buy herself an entire government agency, Congressman Thomas Massey of Kentucky introduced this bill into the house: The seven co-sponsors of this bill include Michigan’s Justin Amash (no kidding), Andy Biggs of Arizona, Jason Chafetz […]

The primary election is behind us. The candidates who made the cut have a moment to celebrate and prepare for the race on November 4. The losers of a race for political office traditionally call the winner and congratulate them, and the winner thanks them. From there, the candidate who lost supports the winning candidate […]

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