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By now anyone in Michigan with an internet connection that can stream videos (not many of us up north has that luxury in 2021) watched Mike Shirkey tell three Hillsdale County GQP the “DC thing” was a prearranged staged hoax even Mitch McConnell was in on, and he fantasizes physically assaulting Governor Whitmer. Now that […]

It’s clear from watching Gary Glenn on the most recent episode of Capital Report on PBS (And what is Gary Glenn doing on evil socialist Public Television funded by private property theft i.e. tax dollars?) that he doesn’t think too highly of the Founding Fathers or the U.S. Constitution. In the first fifteen minutes of […]

Three days before the end of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia the founding fathers threw a farewell party. The money they spent on the party in today’s currency rates is about $18,400 and shows when it comes to government spending, nothing has changed.

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