Blog Archives

Have you been catching all the media coverage about Steve Ingersoll and his impending sentencing hearing on October 20, 2015? If you missed it, that’s because the media isn’t talking about all the pre-sentencing hijinks going on between the Bay City/Traverse City “philanthropist”, the court, and the federal government. As usual, the only place to […]

Michigan’s new superintendent, Brian Whiston, once again is asking for public comment on how to improve Michigan’s public schools. This time he needs input because: State Supt. Brian Whiston is seeking input on making Michigan a Top 10 education state over the next ten years. In the Superintendent’s ‘Back to School’ podcast, he announced that […]

The Michigan Department of Education updated the content standards for social studies and science, and they invite the public to comment on the proposed updates for Michigan’s K-12 public schools. People can fill out an online survey and attend public information sessions scheduled throughout the state. Michigan’s new State Superintendent, Brian Whiston, had this to […]

Congratulations on being selected for the important position of State Superintendent of Education. You have entered into a position where there are many old and new challenges to face. Public education in Michigan faces constant attacks from both the state and corporate education reformers, often working together to take our schools out of the hands […]

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