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whew, 10 days down, only 1450 days to go! Thank you, Judge Donnelly, for putting a stay on Bannon’s executive order signed by Trump and allowing legal residents to come into the country last night. This morning there are still reports that not all customs officials are following the court order won by the ACLU […]

Pissboy Trump now occupies the White House. On Friday he spoke before a minuscule crowd and paraded through empty streets. This is all documented, however Trump would have none of it. Yesterday while addressing the CIA in Langley, Virginia, Trump railed against the media for saying his inauguration was poorly attended (it was) before hinting […]

Yesterday, while Reince Priebus declared Trump the new messiah, images of Christmas from the homes of Trump supporters appeared on social media. Indeed, Trump, reading Priebus’s statement, even sent himself an online Christmas card to celebrate the holiday being all about him. And this image celebrating how wonderfully different Christmas feels this year now that […]

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