Blog Archives

Turns out Speaker Boehner is indeed enjoying Kansas primary night. Just received this from former staffer! — carl hulse (@hillhulse) August 3, 2016 John Boehner seems to think so. The former Speaker who had an epiphany when the Pope visited and resigned from the House was photographed enjoying a glass of wine with a […]

… belief is the death of intelligence” – Robert Anton Wilson On social media anti-choicers applauded Robert L. Dear for stopping the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood from murdering more babies while most of the GOP presidential candidates remain mute over the attack on the health care clinic. So far, Mike Huckabee exercised his lack of […]

Like a narcissistic moth to a media flame, Michigan State Representative for the 98th District Gary Glenn found this humble blog with a post about how much he craves attention, especially when it pairs his name with someone who is more famous or powerful than he is. If he does it enough, some of that […]

Gary Glenn documented every instance of his name on his Facebook page this week in relation to Rick Snyder being the first state governor to ban, then put on hold relocating Syrian refugees to Michigan. Glenn shared his press release and quotes from online news, broadcast, and print sources such as Midland Daily News, Mlive, […]

Todd Courser really wants his old job back. He also enjoys writing long streams of questionable consciousness and posting them on the internet intentionally, as if that in any way will persuade people he’s the right guy for the job he quit and wants back. Last night he posted once again another diatribe full of […]

Up North Progressive’s reaction when first read the news: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA breathe AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Is he serious? Of course he is. Never mind he lives in Dutch Reformed Mordor District 2, he wants to run for District 1. Why? Because he’s Dave Agema, that’s why. According to a MIRS article published on Thursday, Dave needs money of […]

John Oliver brings up a valid point, the tea bagger herd is very good at inoculating themselves because they voted for the Toddler and Cutco Cindy in the first place.

It’s been a week since there was an update posted to the blog. The Up North Progressive’s been busy. This is the time of year when Michigan farmers’ markets and roadside stands all scream “PEACHESBLUEBERRIESSWEETCORN” to passersby, and that means it’s time to freeze and can. Blueberries, peach jam and green beans are going into […]

If only! Too bad Peter Graves passed away, he would be so much better as Dave Agema Voting has consequences. If you vote Republican, you’re part of the problem. It certainly has nothing to do with phantom blackmailers.

If you found the blog after googling Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, welcome. In Todd’s own words, “We are living in the last days.” How many people suspected he was talking about his political career? Anyone who screams as loudly as Gamrat and Courser about the sanctity of traditional marriage is doing so out of […]