Thr President Gas Been So Mad

Sunday , 29, January 2017 Leave a comment

whew, 10 days down, only 1450 days to go!

Thank you, Judge Donnelly, for putting a stay on Bannon’s executive order signed by Trump and allowing legal residents to come into the country last night. This morning there are still reports that not all customs officials are following the court order won by the ACLU last night, but some are ignoring that court order and still detaining people legally trying to enter the country.

People on social media keep asking what can be done. They needed to do it on November 8, 2016, but back then they made up plenty of excuses why they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary Clinton. They’re the real reason Trump is occupying the White House now, not the white women who voted for Trump they want to blame.

Other news ignored in the chaos is that the author of the EO that caused the illegal detaining of people legally entering the country now has a seat on the National Security Council.

Trump also managed to get an American killed in Yemen yesterday. This is why once again Trump is rage tweeting about the “failing” New York Times.

if you can, donate to the ACLU, they need all the help they can get overturning The unconstitutional garbage Steve Bannon is writing and Trump is signing.

Happy Sunday. Make it count. Now is the time to mobilize, get organized, and get ready for the 2018 election. No, we don’t vote for president, but remember that every single Republican has been complicit in what Trump and his Nazi advisor, Steve Bannon, are doing. We vote those bums out, and then we get rid of Trump in 2020. At the rate he’s going enough Americans will be fed up with living in Trumptardistan and gratefully do whatever they can to bring America back.

Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.