America verses Trumptardistan Day One: Gaslighting the Press

Sunday , 22, January 2017 Leave a comment

Pissboy Trump now occupies the White House. On Friday he spoke before a minuscule crowd and paraded through empty streets. This is all documented, however Trump would have none of it.

Yesterday while addressing the CIA in Langley, Virginia, Trump railed against the media for saying his inauguration was poorly attended (it was) before hinting at another war in Iraq because we didn’t take their oil last time. As his motorcade was hindered by the crowd of people three times larger that came to Washington to protest the predator in chief, Trump realized the majority of the American people were still living in America, and not interested in becoming citizens of Trumptardistan.

Enter Sean Spicer, the mouthpiece for Trumptardistan. He called a press conference, made the press sit for over an hour, then delivered this train wreck:

Did you hear that? He blatantly lied about the crowd sizes, lied about magnetometers slowing people down that the Secret Service stated weren’t even there, and finished it with telling the press what they <B><I>should be</I></B> reporting. Spicer stuttered and screeched like an angry adult who doesn’t understand why the kids don’t appreciate everything he’s doing for them. It’s because the kids know you’re lying, dad.

Welcome to the next four years. It will take no time at all for die-hard trumptards to believe every lie told by the Trump regime. Americans who know the truth will be yelled at, and the people in the middle will shrug and say, “I guess we just can’t know what’s true and what’s a lie.” If you’re feeling scared, unsure, and frustrated, that’s how gas lighting is supposed to work; a classic Kremlin tactic to dis-inform the public.

While the narcissistic sociopath in chief lied in front of the CIA, he faced this wall:

Irony will be a common occurrence with this administration.

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